Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

Holidays With Thia

Diposting oleh Taruli Azzah di Kamis, Juli 08, 2010
At date 3 and 4 i have tarining in Bandung with my Friend named Thia. when in Bandung i came in at approximately more 10 than it arrived at The Hotel Feli then i immediately chechked in and play together Thia and i play until proper 11 Thia. Thia morning and i've training.

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Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

Holidays With Thia

At date 3 and 4 i have tarining in Bandung with my Friend named Thia. when in Bandung i came in at approximately more 10 than it arrived at The Hotel Feli then i immediately chechked in and play together Thia and i play until proper 11 Thia. Thia morning and i've training.

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